Why The Cocktail Balance 2.0 is a must have

Breaking news! How to get an autographed copy of the book, and comparisons between the first book and its sequel.

Here at The Cocktail Balance, we’re busy behind the scenes putting together the last touches on the second book before we send it off to the printers. There is already one book out, what will be the difference between the first and 2.0? 

The Cocktail Balance 2.0 will be set up in a similar way to the first book, adding more depth to the topics that were covered in the first book. Both books are divided into three parts: Theoretical, Practical, and The Legacy of Slovak Bartending. 

Theoretical Part

The theoretical part of 2.0 includes the same topics as before, but delves in deeper. For example, the chapter on management and the economics of a drink, No Money, No Honey, covers aspects to keep in mind in a general way. Overhead and unexpected costs, upselling and cross-selling, complaints, feedback, leadership and communication are all mentioned, with a paragraph or two each, but without particulars. Now in the 2.0 version, there’s excel sheets with margins, cocktail costs, inventory, and (most importantly) profit, plus the calculations to figure out all the economics behind a drink.

But it’s not only numbers and finances - Stan also provides more tools and processes to develop and use the creative muscle. While creativity is most usually associated with the fine arts, it is also invaluable for bartenders. 

Practical Part

The practical part of the first book went through the very basic bartending tools and mixing techniques, as well as touching on cooling, smoking, carbonation and infusion. Now in 2.0, the practical part gives more science and expands upon techniques already mentioned in the first book, like carbonation and clarification, as well as introducing new methods such as fermentation and the use of enzymes. 

Both 1.0 and 2.0 highlight a particular ingredient and build recipes upon it. The first book covered 20 ingredients, with two preparatory recipes and two cocktail recipes for each, and a random number of additional recipes in the notes section. This time, 2.0 will highlight 15 ingredients plus one bonus ingredient with three component or garnish recipes each, plus two cocktail recipes.

The component and garnish recipes are focused on using all the parts of the ingredient to lessen waste and costs while increasing efficiency. Many of the ingredients are widely available but rarely used in cocktails, such as gooseberries, stinging nettle, black rice and pumpkin. In all, The Cocktail Balance 2.0 will have 45 component recipes and 30 cocktail recipes, employing more complex techniques.


And finally, The Legacy of Slovak Bartending of 2.0 will also tell the story of Slovak bartenders and share their words of wisdom. The first book highlighted bartenders who have made an impact on the Slovak bar scene; 2.0 highlights bartenders who have made an impact on bar scenes across the world. Learn what is important to legends such as Rasty Kasár, Rusty Červeň, Adrián Michalčík, and Maroš Dzurus.


Throughout both books, simple but stunning photographs accompany the text. While photographs and illustration don’t change the quality of the information provided, they absolutely influence our (the readers’) perception and enjoyment of it. 

Glasses were designed especially for the book, and Adrián Chrzan has again captured their elegance and beauty. The drinks, together with the garnishes, are striking and inspirational: you will want to make that gorgeous drink.

Some of the photographs from the first book are available in the shop as prints, and prints from the second edition are coming!

Why 2.0 is a must have

All the points above tell the what and how of The Cocktail Balance 2.0, but the most important is the why. Why buy and read it?

Stan Harciník, the author, has a mission to contribute to the progress of others. As someone who has been instrumental in the development and success of a number of ventures (read more here), he is here to share even more of the art and science of bartending.

And here’s the exciting news! Every pre-order will be hand signed by the author himself.

So why buy and read The Cocktail Balance 2.0? Why is it a Must Have Book? In short, gain knowledge from the best with more detailed advice, more advanced techniques, new recipes, fresh ideas, beautiful pictures, inspiration from legends, and an autograph in each pre-ordered book.

Naomi Hužovičová

Content director. Copy editor. Aspiring writer. Instagram user.
Searching for beauty in the ordinary.


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